
Brand Alignment

What is Map Monitoring Software? Everything You Need To Know

What is Map Monitoring Software? Everything You Need To Know
what is map monitoring

The future of the retail store is online, following the advancement of technology and the penetration of the internet into almost every sector of our lives. Shoppers today can easily order, pay, and receive their products through online stores. To survive in such an evolving market, manufacturers must adapt as well.

When it comes to online stores, pricing is a key factor that most consumers prioritize, thanks to the ease of information at their fingertips. This raises an important question: what is MAP monitoring and how can it help ensure your retailers are pricing products according to the MAP policy? If you’re wondering what is MAP monitoring, this article provides all the answers.

The team from Brand Alignment, a premier MAP monitoring, analytics, and enforcement provider, offers expert insights and industry best practices, backed by modern technology, to meet all your MAP needs.

The Value Of MAP Pricing

Your MAP (minimum advertised price) policy determines the lowest price that a retailer or reseller can advertise a product or good to the public. Retailers can choose to sell a product below the MAP price. When used correctly, it is advantageous to both the manufacturers and the retailers.

The importance of MAP policies comes in with the growth and emergence of third-party marketplaces. Not all these retailers are authorized to sell products on your behalf. These unknown parties can decide to advertise and charge whatever prices since they are not part of your official distribution chain.

MAP Pricing, therefore, seeks to right the wrongs and ills of these malicious parties. With a comprehensive policy in place, you can restrict the sale of your products at only authorized retailers, prevent brand erosion, reduce the possibility of price wars and other possibilities.

So, how can your product enjoy all these benefits of MAP pricing? By use of a reputable map monitoring software (see data map monitoring software).

What is MAP Monitoring?

The process can be defined as the routine perusal and reviewing of your product’s prices on online retailers’ websites and other marketplaces. To fully understand what is MAP monitoring, it’s important to recognize its goal: ensuring retailer compliance with your MAP policy.

The information derived from a MAP monitoring process is valuable to any business. Given that you are using a reputable resource, the monitoring tool should be able to reveal the price advertised by each retailer, the name and contact information of the retailer, and where the product is being sold at.

From contract and sale agreements, you can be able to identify if the retailers are part of the authorized team. In addition, you will make contact with any unauthorized or non-compliant online retailer and request for corrective action.

Your Ideal Monitoring Software

From the information provided above, it’s clear that there are many benefits to be gained from using MAP monitoring software. However, before investing in such software, it’s crucial to understand what is MAP monitoring and ensure that the software meets specific minimum criteria.

A comprehensive analysis of the market

From our analysis, MAP monitoring tools tend to focus on the big marketplaces and online stores such as eBay, Walmart, and Amazon. However, violators should be picked out from any possible nook and cranny. A comprehensive Map monitoring software should be to offer you a complete solution. The entirety of the internet should be searched to give you a thorough list of the information you need.

Intelligent data

Your ideal map monitoring software should be able to provide intelligent and actionable data from its perusal of your retailer’s pages and marketplaces. The intelligence collected should be available time and time again.

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What is the importance of providing this information on MAP violations without the proper solutions to protect your brand? The ideal monitoring software should be able to offer you a follow-up plan that you can use to protect the brand.

Some of the enforcement actions that should be considered by a MAP service provider include:

  • Sending violation notifications
  • Taking automatic screenshots of the violator
  • Save the trail of conversation with each violator.
  • Create a database that stores information on MAP violations

The best map monitoring software in the industry

As an established company, Brand Alignment is interested in making use of only tried and proven strategies and tactics. Our clients throughout the country can attest to the thoroughness and quality of our MAP monitoring software. By getting in touch with us, you are implementing the industry’s best option.

Our monitoring software is not just a simple tool. It is a large network that contains a web of integrated services. Our monitoring software offers mapping MAP violators, identifying sales opportunities, review tracking, and enforcement of your MAP policy (a guide to the best map software).

As a market leader, Brand Alignment designs new approaches to help our clients better monitor and integrate their MAP policies. If you are looking for actionable intelligence to rely on, there is no better company positioned than Brand Alignment.

Protecting your brand is our priority here at Brand Alignment. With us as your partner, you can be guaranteed to all the round protecting, improve relations with resellers, an improved brand image, and better financial returns in the long term.


There are few brand protection providers that offer the same quality of service as Brand Alignment. As the leading service provider in the industry, we customize our services to meet your brand’s exact needs and preferences.

When it comes to what is MAP monitoring, Brand Alignment goes above and beyond by crawling your retailers’ marketplaces every 1-3 hours. We provide actionable information that you can act on immediately, all through an easy-to-use dashboard.

Trust the premier brand protection company to deliver exceptional services. Get in touch with Brand Alignment today to request a quote for our MAP monitoring solutions.

Thank you for reading our post, “What Is MAP Monitoring Software? Everything You Need To Know.” We hope it was helpful.

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