
Brand Alignment

Counterfeit Protection

Protect Your Brand From Fake Products

With our counterfeit protection service we stop counterfeit products from flooding the market, ensuring only genuine items represent your brand.

Brand Alignment offers a powerful counterfeit detection and takedown service, monitoring your brand globally and removing counterfeit products from major online marketplaces.

Brand Alignment counterfeit protection
What Sets Us Apart

Comprehensive Counterfeit Protection Across Global Marketplaces

Global Marketplace Monitoring

Our advanced counterfeit protection tools continuously monitor major e-commerce platforms like Amazon, eBay, Alibaba, and more. We ensure that only legitimate listings of your products remain active. 

global marketplace monitoring for counterfeit protection
Rapid Takedown Enforcement for counterfeit protection

Rapid Takedown Enforcement

Spotted a violation? Our enforcement team doesn’t rest until infringing listings are taken down. We handle every step – from detection to enforcement – saving you time and resources. 

Real-Time Reporting

Stay updated with clear, actionable insights. Our reporting dashboards give you visibility into the status of listings and enforcement actions, providing transparency on every step of the process. 

Real Time Reporting for counterfeit protection

Trusted by 100+ brands of all sizes

clients logos
clients logos
Counterfeit Takedowns

Ready to Protect Your Brand?

Don’t let counterfeiter sellers damage your brand’s reputation. Take action now.